
Poorna Kondur
Apr 17, 2023


On a rainy day

She places her palm in the hope for a ray

Droplets on the window

Mirroring a shadow

Succouring her soul

By boosting of her whole

Caressing her wrinkles

To bring out hidden twinkles

Placing the palm

On the window pane

Is a way to calm

And keep her sane

For all she needs is a tight squeeze

Suffocation turning into ease

Her heart carrying the weight of the world

Not uttering a single word

The load as heavy as the rain drop

For the shiny droplets her smiles crop

A cuddle to release

An Engraved crease

The dread will cease

Causing the bloom, much in peace

Her sight into the sky, yet

It’s the rainy season for life

~Poorna Kondur



Poorna Kondur

Interpretation of life and its aura- a display through verbal play